Friday 20 January 2012

Paraben Free Skin Care, Hair Care and Make-Up

Today my mum was told that she has an allergy to Parabens.

She found out having undergone a rigorous and comprehensive testing of 90! different products as she has had a terrible time in the last year with allergic reactions that have manifested themselves in her skin. Itching, redness, dryness, peeling and weeping - extremely unpleasant and distressing.

At first it was thought that the drugs she was taking for her illness were causing this but as she had been taken off of them and was still suffering, something else needed to be done and the cause found.

She has called me up and told me that now having had the tests done she is now looking to use only products that are paraben free... So we are now on a mission to find suitable products for her and go 30 days without using parabens to see if this makes a difference.

I have a few ideas re skincare and haircare but as she has always worn makeup and looked beautiful and glamorous we are going to start looking into things like lipsticks, mascaras, highlighters and all the usual other makeup items that she loves to wear and see how they perform and if they are good enough to replace her favoured 'usual' products.

Wish her luck!


  1. I'm pretty sure Smashbox are free from Parabens x

  2. Oh dear... sorry to hear this, but look at it this way, it could do her so much good. It's actually something I've been thinking about too. There's lots of suggestions here: Would love to know how your mum gets on as I do worry about this (will explain in more detail when see you next). x

  3. Oh! I know how it feels. I have an allergy that comes and goes often but not sure what I am allergic to. I find that products from Burt's Bees work well for me. They don't irritate my skin and they have some great lip products.

  4. My mum is allergic to parabens as well. have loads of good products including paraben free make up.

  5. Most mineral make up, the new MakeUp Geek range and theBalm are paraben free.
    So is the Tresemme Naturals hair range, I think.

    I hope this is useful and that your Mum feels better soon.

  6. Try Inika Cosmetics, Dr Hauschka, Nvey Eco, Green People, Honeybee, Living Nature and Elysambre-all natural organic brands with strict ingredient policies.


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