Wednesday 11 September 2013

A Poem - I Thought Of You

I wrote this poem today in memory of those who lost loved ones in the terrible attack on the Twin Towers in New York City on this day in 2001.

I Thought Of You

I thought of you last night
When I wrapped the duvet tightly round
I remembered how a battle would ensue
As we both lay there, neither of us willing
To give up our carefully carved out ground

I thought of you last night
As I wiggled my toes and stretched out my arms
Assuming a star position and embracing the space
I reached out to feel you, a touch of your leg
Remembering how I had fallen for your charms

I thought of you last night
As I lay there awake, desperately trying to sleep
I recall how you would fall asleep as soon as
Your head hit the pillow, why couldn't I do the same
Alert now, those memories I will keep

I thought of you last night
Looking far into the distance and seeing
Lights twinkling, was this our future
A brightness that would never die out
You made me complete, a whole being

I thought of you last night
Adored & cherished, I don't want to ever forget
We took it all for granted, that surely is true
For your light's turned out too early
Extinguished our love, consoled we had met

An original work of fiction - all rights reserved 


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