Friday 16 January 2015

Sure Women Crystal Invisible Black + White Diamond Anti-Perspirant Compressed Review

If ever there was a product made for me in mind it would be Sure Crystal Invisible Black + White Diamond...

I pretty much have a wardrobe packed with either black, white or monochrome clothing with the odd splash of colour for good measure.

Sure say 

Anti- white marks
Anti- yellow stains
Anti- sweat
48hr protection
0% alcohol

Provides our best ever protection

My thoughts 

I was sent the compressed bottle which contains 125ml but lasts as long as a 250ml can. I love the fact that it is small so great for travel or just to take up less space on the dressing table. I found that the spray did not irritate me at all and true to its word I could get dressed immediately. I must admit so far I haven't worn much white to put the anti-yellow stains claim to the test which is unfortunate as this is one of my major Summer bugbears.

However I haven't had any horrid white marks on my clothing and the protection is fantastic at keeping sweat at bay. The scent is one that I would call just a spray scent and it would have been nice for it to be a bit more feminine, that said my husband would happily use this particular product as it doesn't smell 'girly'.

So far, so good!

Sure Women Crystal Invisible Black + White Diamond Anti-Perspirant Compressed costs £3.39

*PR Sample


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