Thursday 23 November 2017

Flash Fiction - The Monster In The Cupboard

Here is this week's 100 word story based on the following picture prompt

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

The Monster In The Cupboard

‘Quick, just stuff it all in the cupboard!’ Jess ordered.

Harry had begun the mammoth and ritualistic task of cleaning just moments before the guests were due. The living room was a state, packed full of possessions and clutter that had long failed to find a permanent home. Harry spotted Amelie running up the garden path and swooped on his precious antique clock. Just in time.

What’s in there?’ Amelie threatened to reveal the mess.

Harry darted over, grabbed the furry hood of Jess’s coat and poked it through the tiny gap.

‘A monster!’

Amelie screamed and ran. Disaster averted.

Hope you enjoyed this story
Bettina x

Many thanks to Rochelle for this week's prompt AND photo. If you want to read more stories based on this picture - click here

If you enjoyed this story you may enjoy my new novel 'Without A Hitch' which is available to buy now -

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  1. Dear Bettina,

    Sounds like the old game of sibling rivalry. Cute story.



  2. I wonder how long it will be before Amelie is brave enough to return to the cupboard!? Nicely done.

  3. Sounds like Harry needs to pull himself together and tidy up properly!

  4. He he - great little story - I enjoyed it.

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos

  5. You sound like someone who has learned to childproof their home in a hurry! Well done - made me smile.

  6. I'm smiling. That's always a good sign :)


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